Analytical Helmholtz

Brendan Smithyman | October, 2015

This notebook implements a very simple class to model the whole-space point-source response of the 2D or 3D Helmholtz equation. We compare the different responses produced when using either $H_0^{(1)}$ (i.e., the Hankel function of the zeroth order of the first kind) or $H_0^{(2)}$ (the Hankel function of the zeroth order of the second kind). These are complex conjugates of each other, and so one of the resulting wavefields is the time-reversed response (after a sign flip).

Plotting Setup

The following block contains setup for plotting defaults. Note that we explicitly set the font to 'Bitstream Vera Sans', which is the default in most cases. If you don't have this font on your system, you could comment out the last few lines, or replace it with a font that you prefer to use.

In [1]:
# Plotting imports and defaults

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm

%matplotlib inline

from IPython.display import set_matplotlib_formats
matplotlib.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 300

# Font options
font = {
    'family': 'Bitstream Vera Sans',
    'weight': 'normal',
    'size': 8,

matplotlib.rc('font', **font)


Here, we import the necessary libraries to do the computations: numpy, which is the main scientific & numerical computing library in Python, and the hankel1 and hankel2 functions from scipy.special.

In [2]:
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import hankel1, hankel2

Class Definition

Here, we build a class called AnalyticalHelmholtz, which inherits from object.

The __init__ method is called automatically when we instantiate the class (i.e., make a new object based on AnalyticalHelmholtz). The __init__ method expects one or two inputs: 1) a required input (dictionary) called sc, which contains the configuration for the system, and 2) an optional input called hf, which defaults to the hankel function from scipy.special.

When running __init__, Python first stores some properties from the sc parameter, and determines whether it is going to run in 2D mode or 3D mode. At the end of this method, a member object _hf is created, which stores a reference to the chosen Hankel function (from hf).

When an object of class AnalyticalHelmholtz is called like a function, Python executes the __call__ method. This uses whichever Green's function was set up during __init__, and returns a wavefield. The distance from the source is calculated for each point in the grid (from the $x$ and $z$ locations passed into the function call), and the response is returned as a numpy array (based on the configuration in the sc object from when the AnalyticalHelmholtz class was instantiated).

NB: k is a property, which behaves like a variable bound to the instance, but actually runs some code inside the k method when its value is asked for. This way, it can be calculated and stored based on the omega and c properties.

In [3]:
class AnalyticalHelmholtz(object):
    Implements the analytical Green's functions for the 2D and 3D
    Helmholtz equation(s).

    def __init__(self, sc, hf = hankel1):

        self.dimension = sc.get('dimension', 2) = sc['omega']
        self.c = sc['c']

        if self.dimension == 3:
            self.Green = self.Green3D
            self.Green = self.Green2D

        self._x, self._z = np.mgrid[
        self._hf = hf

    def Green2D(self, x):

        return -0.5j * self._hf(0, self.k*x)

    def Green3D(self, x):

        return (1./(4*np.pi*x)) * np.exp(1j*self.k*x)

    def __call__(self, x, z):

        return np.nan_to_num(self.Green(np.sqrt((x - self._x)**2 + (z - self._z)**2)))
    def k(self):
        if getattr(self, '_k', None) is None:
            self._k = / self.c
        return self._k

Object Instantiation

The following cell contains the systemConfig dictionary, which we build up from a series of keys and values. I make fairly liberal use of whitespace here to keep the values nicely-organized. By changing these values, you can change the behaviour of the AnalyticalHelmholtz objects that use this configuration.

There are two AnalyticalHelmholtz objects created here. Note that they are roughly the same (they use the same systemConfig object), except that one of them uses the hankel1 function $H_0^{(1)}$ and the other uses the hankel2 function $H_0^{(2)}$. At this point, the __init__ methods have been called for both objects, but no wavefields have been constructed. However, the AnalyticalHelmholtz objects know how to generate wavefields when asked.

In [4]:
systemConfig = {
    'c':            2000.,
    'omega':        200.,
    'dimension':    2,
    'nx':           100,
    'nz':           200,
    'dx':           1.,
    'dz':           1.,
    'xorig':        0.,
    'zorig':        0.,

ah1 = AnalyticalHelmholtz(systemConfig, hankel1)
ah2 = AnalyticalHelmholtz(systemConfig, hankel2)

Wavefield Modelling

Here, we set two variables (xs and zs), which contain the coordinates for the source. Then, we produce two wavefields: u1, which uses our ah1 object and u2, which uses our ah2 object. These wavefields are numpy arrays, with dimensions and shapes dependent on the systemConfig we used.

In [5]:
xs = 15.
zs = 15.

u1 = ah1(xs, zs)
u2 = ah2(xs, zs)


We create a dict called plotopts, which contains a number of default settings for the imshow function. We then use the matplotlib object-oriented interface to build up a figure. We have 4 subplots, each of which includes a call to plt.imshow to plot the appropriate wavefield, and a call to plt.title to label it.

NB: The call to fig.tight_layout rearranges the plots so that their axis labels are not overlapping.

In [6]:
plotopts = {
    'cmap':     cm.bwr,
    'vmin':     -1.,
    'vmax':     1.,
    'extent':   [
        systemConfig['xorig'] + systemConfig['dx'] * systemConfig['nx'],
        systemConfig['zorig'] + systemConfig['dz'] * systemConfig['nz'],

fig = plt.figure()

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,4,1, aspect=1)
plt.imshow(u1.real.T, **plotopts)
plt.title('$\mathscr{R}\{ H_0^{(1)} \}$')

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,4,2, aspect=1)
plt.imshow(u2.real.T, **plotopts)
plt.title('$\mathscr{R}\{ H_0^{(2)} \}$')

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,4,3, aspect=1)
plt.imshow(u1.imag.T, **plotopts)
plt.title('$\mathscr{I}\{ H_0^{(1)} \}$')

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,4,4, aspect=1)
plt.imshow(u2.imag.T, **plotopts)
plt.title('$\mathscr{I}\{ H_0^{(2)} \}$')



  1. Modify the AnalyticalHelmholtz class to take the source location as a tuple, rather than as two separate numbers; i.e., $(xs, zs)$.
  2. Modify the AnalyticalHelmholtz class to simulate a free-surface response at the top of the model. To do this, you will need to add a second ghost source, with the same $x$-position as the main source, but with a $z$-position reflected around the top of the model (and the opposite sign).
  3. Add a property to the AnalyticalHelmholtz class that returns the extent to use for plotting purposes (i.e., that tells the plotting code what the boundaries of the model are).
  4. Add appropriate labels to the $x$- and $z$-axes of the plots.

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